There are many opportunities for Fellowship at Fourth Presbyterian Church. We are always finding ways to gather. Here are just a few examples of the fun and fellowship you will find here: Annual Church-wide retreat, Fall BBQ picnic, progressive dinners, and much, much more! Join us!
Join us for our first Sunday meals together after the 10:30 Worship service. There is no cost and all are welcome.
Please join us for several Wednesday night fellowships throughout the year for a delicious meal and a program. Our dates, program and menus for 2024-25 are linked here.
An integral part of the worship service is the Music program at Fourth Presbyterian Church. New participants are always welcome. We currently have Adult and Children’s choirs. Speak with the Music Director or leave us a message if you are interested in joining.
Scouts BSA Pack 19 and Troop 19 are looking for new members! If you have an elementary or middle schooler, we'd love for you to check us out. Both groups meet in the youth wing -- 'Pack 19 meets at 12:45 on two Sundays a month,
and Troop 19 meets at 6:30 on Tuesday evenings. Click below to learn more.
Whether you have Tinder or a two-year-old, a solidified set of beliefs or a million questions, we welcome you to our community of faith! The Fourth Pres young adult crew is a vibrant group of disciples who are passionate about building authentic community and striving to create a better world. From monthly game nights to small groups and mission opportunities, we’d love to help you get connected. To learn more, contact Register for game nights on the front page.
Young Adults
Studies meet regularly on the second Tuesday of each month beginning in September and continuing through April. In September and May there are special events for which the women come together.
Youth Basketball
Fourth Presbyterian Church is dedicated to guiding our youth to a more committed relationship with Christ as they develop socially, physically, and spiritually. Athletics provide a unique environment for demonstrating and teaching the virtues of self-control, patience, love, service, respect for authority, ethics, leadership, hard work, and dedication, as they relate to the teachings of Jesus Christ and biblical principles. For more information, email