Little Folks of Fourth is a licensed (#17,760) child development center with the S.C. Dept. of Social Services and follows the guidelines set forth by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The emphasis in our program is learning through play. We use a theme-based curriculum which revolves around children's literature emphasizing that it is the process, not the product, that is important. The activities include story time, music, cooking, craft projects and time for creative play. This is a chance for parents to have a break and for children to learn to play with other children. Our goal is to create a warm and loving environment to help each child become a happy, confident, independent individual.
Little Folks of Fourth serves children ages 6 months to 5 years old. Our normal school hours are 9:00am-1:00pm with early stay and late stay available for an additional fee of $8 per session, available from 8:00am-9:00am and 1:00pm-2:00pm, respectively. Our daily fee is $25 per day, with a registration fee of $250 for our regular school year and $75 for our summer program. Inquire about our availability by reaching us at (864) 232-8550 or emailing the director at chelsie@fourthpres.com. We also offer scholarship assistance through LFF and also accept ABC vouchers/scholarships.
Monday through Friday
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Early stay: 8:00am-9:00am
Late stay: 1:00pm-2:00pm
Following Greenville County Schools: August - May
Summer Program: June -
Registration fee: $250
Daily fee: $25/per day
Join the waitlist
Little Folks of Fourth Philosophy
The first years of life are of primary importance for a child's later development. Through interaction with parents and other care givers, the child develops feelings of self-worth, trust, and independence which lead to becoming a confident, secure adult.
We at Little Folks of Fourth believe that each child is a precious child of God... a unique individual who grows and learns at his or her own pace. We provide a loving, nurturing environment based on Christian principles and values. We seek to help children grow with a sense of respect for individuals and the world around them, and also knowledge of their responsibility in the world.
To develop their feelings of self-worth, respect, and responsibilities we offer a variety of teacher-directed activities to help with their social, physical, language, and cognitive skills.

Little Folks of Fourth Mission Statement
Little Folks of Fourth is a pre-school childcare and development program for the benefit of children and their parents or custodians.
The program has as its goals:
To provide for parents/custodians a secure and positive source of child care.
To maintain the opportunity for every single participant, child and parent, to experience a loving, nurturing experience based on Christian principles and values.
To foster in each child a sense of independence, compassion, confidence, trust and responsible behavior through a variety of teacher-directed activities.
To seek opportunities to serve disadvantaged children.
To maintain high standards of child care according to professional standards and Christian values.

Big Folks of Fourth
Big Folks of Fourth (BFF) is the parent organization of Little Folks of Fourth. All of our school families are a part of BFF. BFF supports the students and teachers of Little Folks through fundraising and volunteer coordination efforts, with our focus being on the following:
Providing classroom resources and learning materials
Coordinating teacher appreciation events
Organizing events and activities designed to bring our families and the school together
Providing funds for scholarships

Little Folks Scholarship Fund
The scholarship fund was established to enable a child, who would otherwise be financially unable, to attend Little Folks. It's purpose is to provide a safe, nurturing, stimulating and stable environment for the child while providing an opportunity for the caregiver to deal with a family crisis, attend school, job hunt, or work, knowing that even if their home life is in chaos, that their child is safe and well-cared for.
The scholarship fund is for families who are already part of the program and encounter financial difficulties and for families in need that are referred to us by individuals and agencies.
Our goal is to make a significant, long-term positive difference in the quality of life for the individual child and the family as a whole.
The scholarship fund is supported by donations from private individuals along with donations from the Presbyterian Women, individual Circles and Church School classes, the Mission and Witness Committee, the Fourth Presbyterian Church Endowment Fund, and the Big Folks of Fourth, our parent organization.
Each recipient of a scholarship discusses their needs with the director and fills out an application form. The application is reviewed by the director and either the associate pastor or the chairperson of the Little Folks Board.
Each application is viewed individually for need. Parents are encouraged to pay as much per day as they are financially able. Scholarships can range from fully funded five days per week to partially funded for one day a week depending on the need of the family and the amount of money in the scholarship fund.
The scholarship aid continues until the family no longer needs our assistance or the child leaves the program. As the financial situations of the family changes, the amount of the scholarship is reviewed and adjusted accordingly.
Our long-term goal is to have available, and to be able to support, two scholarship children per day in each class.